Transport regulations
eurobus a.s. company pursuant to paragraph 4 of the Act of the National Council of the Slovak Republic No 56/2012 Coll. on road transport issues the following
Art. 1 Recitals
- These transport regulations are drawn up in accordance with and for implementation of related provisions of the Act No 56/2012 on road transport (hereinafter only as “Act No 56/2012”) and in accordance with Regulation (EU) No. 181/2011 of the EP and of the Council of 16 February 2011 concerning the rights of Passengers in bus and coach transport (hereinafter only as “regulation No 181/2011”).
- These transport regulations are applicable from the date of publication on the Operator's website.
- These transport regulations along with tariff and service timetables represent Operator's proposal to conclude carriage contract between Operator and Passenger.
- These transport regulations govern conditions of transport of Passengers, hand luggage, travel baggage and animals.
- Tariff published on the Operator's website and at Operator's information centres forms part of these transport regulations.
Art. 2 Definitions
- „Operator“ means the operator of regular road Passenger transport within the scope according to these transport regulations, who has a valid authorisation to operate the road Passenger transport issued in accordance with the applicable rules of the Slovak Republic.
The main operator is:
Business name: eurobus a.s.
Office: Staničné nám. 9, 042 04 Košice
Business ID: 36211 079
Registration: District Court Košice I, section Sa, file 1202/V
According to these transport regulations Operator can also mean executing Operator or subcontractor fulfilling legal conditions who had firmed a contract with eurobus a.s. and has approval of the approval authority according to the applicable regulations.
- “Passenger” means natural person using services of road Passenger transport provided by the Operator and for that purpose he is obliged to conclude a contract of carriage.
- “Regular services” means services that provide carriage of Passengers by bus at specified intervals along specified routes, with Passengers being taken up and set down at predetermined stopping points.
- “Contract of carriage” means contract on Passenger transport concluded for the purposes of execution of Passenger transport between Operator and Passenger. Contract of carriage shall be concluded by accepting these transport regulations by Passenger and shall be executed by purchase of the ticket.
- “Ticket” means document confirming payment of the carriage charge for transport and conclusion of the contract of carriage. Operator can issue ticket as a paper document or as an electronic document. Ticket may be issued also by other subject that had concluded a contract with Operator for this purpose.
- “Tariff” means document of the Operator that covers:
- Rates of basic carriage charges and their surcharges,
- Rates of carriage charges for all Passenger tariff groups,
- Prices for carriage of baggage, specially trained dogs or live pets transported along with Passenger, if such transport is allowed,
- Prices for shipment by bus,
- Penalty rate,
- Conditions under which rates of carriage charges and other prices shall apply.
Operator may issue Tariff individually for individual transport types.
- “Service timetable” means document governing time of departure and arrival of single bus lines.
- “Obligation to provide transport” means Operator's obligation to conclude contract in order to transport Passengers, with each Passenger prepared at the bus stop on the route of the bus line at the time of the bus departure according to these transport regulations; this shall not apply if the bus capacity is exhausted according to registration certificate, the Passenger is according to these transport regulations not capable for transport or transport on the bus route is temporarily impossible due to actual technical state, road transmission or safety and continuity of the traffic.
- “Person with a disability” or “Person with reduced mobility” means any person whose mobility when using transport is reduced as a result of any physical disability (sensory or locomotor, permanent or temporary), intellectual disability or impairment, or any other cause of disability, or as a result of age and whose situation needs appropriate attention and adaptation to his particular needs of the services made available to all Passengers.
Art. 3 Transport type
- In accordance with these transport regulations Operator operates long-distance domestic and international Passenger transport.
Art. 4 Range of provided transport services
- Operator provides Passengers public regular Passenger transport according to applicable service timetables from place of taking up to place of setting down.
- Operator also provides within public regular Passenger transport carriage of hand luggage, travel baggage or animals whose transportation is not expressly prohibited by Operator in these transport regulations.
- Operator provides Passengers also other services related to Passenger transport specified in these transport regulations, in particular services related to:
- Passenger rights,
- Passenger claims for possible damage caused,
- Rights in case of not performed or not finished transportation,
- Specific rights of selected group of Passengers,
- Application of Passenger rights with Operator.
Art. 5 Contract of carriage
- Contract of carriage is concluded by payment of the carriage charge according to the applicable tariff by Passenger. Ticket confirms conclusion of contract of carriage and represents a document proving payment of the carriage charge.
- Contract of carriage establishes Passenger's right to get transportation by operator to the destination properly and timely in accordance with these transport regulations.
- In case that vehicle's allowed capacity does not allow transportation of all Passengers prepared at bus stop on route of bus line at the time of bus departure according to service timetable, Operator is obliged, as a matter of priority, to accept for transportation Passenger with a pre-purchased ticket (or eventually with booking of seat) and he is entitled to accept for transportation, as a matter of priority, Passenger for which there is a reserved area in bus according to transport regulations, such as person with a disability, person with reduced mobility, then older people, pregnant women and parents with small children. He is also entitled to accept for transportation, as a matter of priority, Passengers who show serious reasons for priority acceptation or Passengers travelling to more distant bus stops.
- Prioritised right of transportation shall not apply if the bus is fully populated.
Art. 6 Basic obligations of Operator
- Operator operates transport of Passengers in accordance with granted authorisations, transport licences, EC licences in accordance with the Act No 56/2012 and regulation No 181/2011.
- Operator is obliged:
- to operate road transport according to transport regulations,
- to label each in-service vehicle with his business name,
- to ensure technical base (garage) equipped for operation, maintenance, technical check, parking and garaging of vehicles and for care of vehicle crew, Passengers and load within the scope of provided transport services,
- to ensure presence of document attesting Community authorisation or licence in each in-service vehicle in accordance with the Act No 56/2012,
- to ensure parking and garaging of each in-service vehicle in the area of garage, in the area specified for this purpose by municipality or in places designated for bus parking,
- to employ only person with certificate of proficiency as a transport manager,
- to be insured against damages caused by the operation of road transport and activity of vehicle crew to Passengers, senders and recipients of objects and third parties.
- Operator is obliged to fulfil obligation to provide transport.
- Operator is obliged to publish tariff on his website and to ensure that at least basic information is made available to the public in the service timetable and that vehicle crew and inspectors are able to inform Passengers about rates and other prices before and during the carriage.
- Operator is obliged to publish service timetable and its amendments well in advance at least 10 days before the date of commencement of the period of validity on his website, to ask for publication at bus stations or bus stops or to inform the public in other appropriate manner.
- Operator is obliged to issue a ticket to the Passenger or to register him in e-system if the ticket was purchased through electronic media.
- Moreover, Operator is obliged:
- to operate transport services through persons who are technically and medically fit and who have valid authorisation to drive a given vehicle type,
- to use vehicles in a prescribed technical state,
- to properly and clearly label each vehicle intended for transport of Passengers with his business name, on the front section of the vehicle with name of arrival (and if necessary, also departure) station (stop),
- to clearly identify competent persons who have right to give Passengers instructions to maintain safety and continuity of transport (bus driver, dispatcher, inspector),
- to take care of safety, comfort and smooth transport of Passengers, hand luggage and travel baggage in accordance with these transport regulations to the fullest possible extent,
- to take immediate care of Passengers safety in case of road accident, and to ensure them the highest comfort in accordance with these transport regulations,
- to create conditions for smooth and comfortable transport for persons with disability and persons with a reduced mobility in accordance with these transport regulations,
- to ensure accessibility of transport regulations, tariffs, service timetables, as well as other information needed by Passengers on Operator's s website;
- to ask station manager to mark bus stop with a number of bus line, vehicles of which are stopping at the bus stop and with a service timetable (excluding terminal bus stop of arrival),
- to enable Passengers to exercise their rights resulting from connection delay, travel interruption or non-completion of the travel in accordance with these transport regulations.
Art. 7 Rights of Operator
- Operator is entitled to require from Passenger payment of the ticket for carrying out a carriage in the amount in accordance with respective tariff and in form according to these transport regulations.
- Operator is entitled to give instructions and orders to Passengers through driver or other member of the vehicle crew, controller or employer responsible for organising transport (hereinafter only as “dispatcher”) in order to secure their safety or safety and continuity of road transport. Passengers are obliged to obey these instructions.
- Operator is entitled, through driver or other responsible person, to refuse carriage of Passenger and to exclude Passenger from carriage, if:
- Passenger refuses to pay requested carriage charge or to show a valid ticket or valid discount card during the inspection of tickets,
- Passenger's behaviour raises concern for safety, life or health of driver or other Passengers,
- Passenger contaminates or damages Operator's vehicle,
- Passenger intends to transport baggage or animal, whose transport is excluded according to these transport regulations,
- Passenger smokes in the vehicle or he drinks alcoholic beverages or a Passenger is suspected to be under the influence of the alcohol or narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances,
- Passenger's speech, whistling, reproduction of music or other sounds or other expressions is disruptive for driver or other Passengers,
- Passenger is in any way threatening continuity or safety of transport, especially by entering into driver's space, by taking up and setting down of the vehicle outside the designated bus stops or by other inappropriate action,
- Passenger shall not respect any provision of these transport regulations despite having been informed by driver or other competent person.
- In cases pursuant to point 7.3. Operator is entitled to interrupt performed transport until the Passenger, behaviour of which entitles Operator to refuse Passenger's carriage, leaves the vehicle. Passenger excluded from transport in accordance with point 7.3., shall not have right for reimbursement of travel expenses for a non-performed part of transport nor for refund of the carriage charge.
- Operator is entitled to refuse transport of Passenger waiting for carriage at the bus stop even in case when the allowed capacity of the vehicle is exhausted.
- Operator, through authorised persons who show their authorisation with a card or badge with Operator's label – inspectors (contractual inspectors), is entitled to control payment of the carriage charge by Passenger any time during performance of carriage. In case that Passenger did not pay for carriage charge by purchase of a ticket in accordance with these transport regulations or he did not show a valid ticket or valid discount card at the ticket inspection, Operator is entitled to require payment of carriage charge (difference in carriage charge) from Passenger according to respective tariff and payment of penalty amounting to triple of basic carriage charge according to respective tariff without surcharges and discounts, however at least in the amount of 30 € (in words: thirty euro).
- In case that Passenger did not pay for carriage of luggage by purchasing luggage registration voucher in accordance with these transport regulations Operator is entitled to require this payment (difference in carriage charge) according to respective tariff and payment of penalty in the amount of 5 € (in words: five euro).
- Operator is entitled to claim non-payment of carriage charge, import charge and payment of penalty within the meaning of the Civil Code.
Art. 8 Basic rights and obligations of Passenger
- Passenger who meets conditions laid down by transport regulations and tariff has right for carriage by Operator to the destination in a safe, proper and timely manner according to service timetable.
- Person below the age of 6 in domestic long-distance transport is not entitled to travel if not accompanied by a person older than 12 years. If the person older than 6 years travels, this person is considered to have sufficiently mature reason and will for conclusion of a contract of carriage.
- Person below the age of 12 in domestic long-distance transport is not entitled to travel if not accompanied by a person older than 16 years. If the person older than 12 years travels, this person is considered to have sufficiently mature reason and will for conclusion of a carriage abroad contract. Nevertheless persons aged from 12 to 15 (included) are required to have a written authorisation by a legal representative in order to carry out such carriage.
- If driver considers that the age of child cannot be determined on the basis of his physical appearance, child is obliged to provide a document with a photography proving the age of child – travel card, passport, card issued by school or card issued by other Operator and similar.
- Passenger has right to carry a hand luggage and travel baggage according to respective tariff.
- Passenger has right to information on conditions of carriage that must be mandatorily provided by bus driver or other authorised employee of Operator.
- Passenger has right to get place according to the booking of seat purchased before getting on the bus, if he is prepared for carriage at the latest five minutes before bus departure from departure station or at the time of boarding on a bus at the bus stop along the route.
- If not provided otherwise, when the transport was not carried out, i.e. the connection was not executed, Passenger has right to reimbursement of paid carriage charge. If the carriage took place with a delay of more than 120 minutes, Passenger has right to appropriate carriage charge reduction. Operator has right to determine the amount of reduction after individual examination of each case.
- In case of connection delay of more than 120 minutes from the embarkation station of Passenger the Passenger has right to reimbursement of full amount of paid carriage charge, if he decides not to use this connection.
- If not provided otherwise, when some connection is cancelled or carriage on this connection is interrupted or stopped, Passenger with a valid ticket has a priority right to re-routing into station for which he had paid carriage charge using another connection of the same bus line or another connection of the same Operator. If this is not possible on the same day or on the day that suits Passenger, Passenger has right to free carriage back to departure station of the connection and to reimbursement of carriage charge. This right expires if Passenger decided to continue using a connection of a different Operator.
- Passenger is obliged to respect provisions of these transport regulations, tariffs and instructions of authorised employees of Operator. Passenger is obliged to follow instructions of Operator published in form of inscriptions and pictograms in and on the vehicle.
- Passenger is obliged to behave in a manner that cannot threaten safety and continuity of transport and safety, life and health of driver and other Passengers, or damage vehicle and area of a bus station, bus stop or a shelter for waiting on a bus.
- Passenger is obliged to maintain cleanliness and orderliness in a bus and also in the area of a bus station, bus stop or a shelter.
- It is strictly prohibited to smoke in bus, at bus station and in shelter.
- In case that Passenger's action causes damage to Operator's property he is obliged to compensate Operator for damage in accordance with provisions of paragraph 420 et seq. of the Act No 40/1964 Coll. of the Civil Code. In case of causing damage to Operator the Passenger is obliged to show his identity card at the request of authorised worker of Operator and enable him to record his personal data for the purposes of pursuit of compensation by Operator.
- During transport in Operator's vehicle it is forbidden:
- to disturb driver and to communicate with him during execution of transport,
- to stay in place where Passenger obstructs driver's view from the vehicle,
- to enter space of the vehicle reserved for driver,
- to smoke in a vehicle, to drink alcoholic beverages or to eat aromatic food, smell of which could be a burden to other Passengers and crew,
- to transport objects in breach of these transport regulations in a vehicle,
- to reproduce loud music, to produce sounds, to whistle or play an instrument or to behave loudly in any way,
- to take up and set down outside predetermined stopping points.
8.17. Passenger is entitled to be taken up or set down using only the door designated for this purpose. Passengers who are setting up shall have priority using a door for taking up and setting down, Passenger staying during the transport must hold a handle, handrail or other part of vehicle interior designated for this purpose in such a way that prevents accidents to a fullest extent possible in case of sudden changes of speed or direction of travel. If the vehicle is equipped with a seat with safety belts, Passenger is obliged to use them in accordance with applicable rules.
8.18. Passenger is responsible for respect of passport, visa, customs and exchange regulations of transit and destination states. If a damage from breach of this provision arises to Operator (e.g. sanction from competent authorities of public administration and similar), Passenger is obliged to compensate Operator for this damage.
Art. 9 Special Passenger Rights
- Provisions of this article shall not apply on long-distance transport, if planned distance of transport (traffic route) is shorter than 250 km.
- If Operator reasonably expects cancellation or delay of more than 120 minutes of departure of regular transport connection from the bus station or bus stop or if the capacity of bookings of seat (tickets) is exhausted in Operator's system, Operator shall offer Passengers possibility to choose one of these options without delay:
- to continue or re-route the travel to destination place specified in carriage contract at the earliest possible opportunity at no additional costs and under comparable conditions, or
- if possible, carriage by bus free of a charge back to departure station of the Passenger at the earliest possible opportunity with reimbursement of price of purchased ticket.
- If Operator fails to offer Passenger options specified in point 9.2, Passenger has right to reimbursement of 50% of price of purchased ticket, besides refund specified in point 9.2 letter b). Operator shall pay this amount to Passenger at the latest within one month from submission of Passenger's application for refund. Passenger is obliged to submit application for refund in written form at Operator's ticket office, Operator's information centres or through person – intermediary from whom Passenger purchased the ticket.
- If the regular transport is cancelled or is in delay at the departure from bus stop of more than 120 minutes, Passenger has right to continue or to get a ticket price refunded by Operator as specified in point 9.2.
- If the bus becomes non functional during the transport operation, Operator secures travel continuation with other vehicle from the point where the non functional vehicle is located or transport from the point of non functional vehicle to a place suitable for waiting or bus station from where the travel can continue.
- Refund specified in point 9.2. letter b) and in point 9.3. is paid within one month from the date of receipt of Passenger's application for such refund by Operator. Amount of paid refund corresponds to the full price of ticket for which it was purchased, for non performed part or parts of transport and for performed part or parts of transport only if the travel no longer fulfils its purpose in relation to original travel plan of Passenger. When Passengers have prepaid or season ticket, the amount for refund corresponds to proportion of full price of such ticket. Refund is made in cash or in other form with Passenger's consent.
- In case of cancellation or delay of departure of regular connection Operator or manager of bus station shall inform Passengers who leave from bus stations concerned about the situation using available means as soon as possible, and in any event at the latest within 30 minutes after scheduled departure time, as well as about estimated departure time as soon as this information is available.
- If, according to service timetable, Passenger misses connecting transport service due to regular link cancellation or delay, Operator or manager of bus station shall make reasonable effort to inform Passengers about alternative connections.
- Operator, or manager of bus station, shall ensure that person with a disability or person with reduced mobility will get mandatory information specified in points 9.7. and 9.8. in accessible formats.
- If possible, and if Passenger has requested so and he provided Operator necessary contact details, information specified in points 9.7. and 9.8. are provided by electronic means to all Passengers including those who leave from bus station within a period specified in point 9.7.
- When the planned travel length is more than three hours, in case of cancellation or delay of regular link departure from bus station, exceeding 90 minutes, Operator shall offer to Passenger, free of a charge:
- small refreshment, food or refreshment appropriate in view of waiting or delay time, if it is available on bus or at bus station or it can be appropriately supplied,
- hotel room or other accommodation as well as help with securing transport between bus station and place of accommodation in cases when Passenger has to be accommodated for one or more nights. Total accommodation costs for each Passenger are maximum 80 EURO per night and maximum 160 EUR in total (Operator pays maximum for two nights), and this amount shall not include transport from bus station to place of accommodation and back. Passenger is not entitled to get hotel room or other accommodation according to this provision if cancellation or delay was caused by serious weather conditions or natural disasters endangering safe operation of the bus.
- Provisions in points 9.2. to 9.6. and 9.11. shall not apply to Passengers with open tickets, if the departure time is not specified, except when Passengers are holders of prepaid or season ticket.
Art. 10 . Rights of Passengers with reduced mobility and persons with a disability
- Passenger with a disability with a specially trained dog or Passenger with reduced mobility shall have right to dedicated seat in Operator's vehicle.
- If not specified otherwise, Operator is not entitled to refuse to accept booking, to issue or otherwise provide ticket or booking of seat, or to use bus to person due to any disability or reduced mobility and he is not entitled to request additional fees for tickets or booking of seat of persons with disability and persons with reduced mobility.
- Operator may refuse to accept a booking, to issue or otherwise provide ticket, or to use bus to person due to disability or reduced mobility:
- in order to comply with respective safety requirements laid down by international law, Union law or national law and in order to comply with health and safety requirements laid down by competent authorities;
- if vehicle construction or infrastructure, including equipment of bus stops and stations make taking up, setting down or carriage of person with disability or person with reduced mobility physically impossible in a safe and operationally feasible way.
- If Operator refuses to accept booking, to issue or otherwise provide ticket, or to use bus to person due to disability or reduced mobility on the basis of reasons specified in point 10.4., such person can ask to be accompanied by other person of his choice able to provide assistance requested by person with disability or person with reduced mobility in order to refrain from applying reasons in point 10.4. Such accompanying person is transported free of a charge and if possible, is seated next to person with disability or person with reduced mobility.
- If Operator applies point 10.4., he shall immediately inform person with disability or person with reduced mobility about reasons of its application and in case of request he shall inform concerned person in written form within five working days from the date of request.
- Operator and bus station managers are responsible for loss or damage of wheelchairs, other equipment to secure mobility or assistive devices. Damage proved for loss or damage shall be compensated by Operator or bus station manager responsible for the given loss or damage.
- In case of need Operator makes reasonable efforts to assist during quick provision of temporary replacement equipment or device. Technical and functional properties of wheelchairs, other equipment to secure mobility or assistive devices are similar to those that have been lost or damaged, if possible.
Art. 11 Sale of tickets, Tickets inspection
- Ticket confirms conclusion of contract of carriage and payment of carriage charge. Paper ticket contains Operator's business name, his identification number and tax identification number, ticket type, validity time, operating range and sum of paid carriage charge. Ticket also contains line number and connection number under which Operator registers the corresponding service.
- Operator in regular bus transport shall issue tickets for individual journey – single or season tickets. Ticket types and carriage charge are determined by tariff.
- Operator shall sell tickets directly on bus before execution of transport or in advance through own or authorised resellers at designated places or in electronic form.
- Ticket may be purchased also through a chip card by deducting ticket price from credit on chip card issued to Passengers by Operator or his contractual partner.
- Passenger with a booked ticket is obliged to be present at bus stop of planned departure at the latest 5 minutes before scheduled bus departure, otherwise his booking may be cancelled and ticket may be sold to other Passenger.
- Operator shall specify, in service timetable or using other appropriate manner, which connections require booking of seats.
- Right to booked place expires if Passenger fails to use a booking of seat until the departure of connection for which he has purchased the booking of seat.
- Passenger who does not manage to be picked up on connection for which he has purchased booking of seat, does not have right to refund of ticket and seat price.
- If Passenger purchases ticket in advance, he shall be obliged to show ticket and any document on price reduction at boarding without need to be further challenged by Operator.
- Single ticket, issued without indication of name, is non transmissible after boarding. Passenger is not entitled to give this ticket to other person after boarding on a bus. If the ticket was issued on the name, this can be used by another person only with explicit consent of Operator or authorised employee of Operator.
- Operator is entitled to reject validity of damaged ticket and validity of damaged issued chip card, if data on ticket / chip card is not clearly legible.
- Discounted and special ticket is considered to be valid only in connection with a valid card proving entitlement to discount. In case of doubts regarding entitlement to discount on carriage charge Operator or authorised employee of Operator is entitled to require from Passenger other documents proving entitlement for discount.
- When Passenger takes over the ticket, he is obliged to make sure if it was issued according to his data, especially control the travel, departure and arrival station, discount type and whether the paid charge corresponds to price indicated on ticket. Operator does not take into account later claim of Passenger.
- Passenger is solely responsible for loss, theft or damage of ticket. Operator shall not provide compensation for lost or damaged unusable tickets issued outside Operator's sale system.
- Copy of the ticket can be issued only for tickets sold through Operator's sale system and at the same time for tickets valid on lines operated along the route solely by Operator.
- Carriage cannot be executed with a copy of ticket. Carriage charge is not refunded even in case when Passenger infringes rules or laws of transit or destination states, or when he was detained by customs or immigration authorities.
- Competent employee of Operator - driver or other competent person, inspector - who shall present identification card or badge, is entitled to perform inspection of payment of charge.
- Passenger is at request of Operator's employee obliged to show a valid ticket and entitlement to carriage charge reduction anytime during carriage and while leaving the bus.
- Passenger who will not show a valid ticket or prove entitlement to carriage charge reduction at request of Operator's competent employee pursuant to paragraph above is obliged to pay Operator carriage charge and a penalty for travelling without a valid ticket in the amount pursuant to art. 7 point 7.6.
- If Passenger fails to pay requested carriage charge and/or penalty to Operator's competent employee directly in a vehicle, Passenger is obliged to communicate and to show to Operator's competent employee his personal data needed for recovery of charge and payment. Document proving personal data shall be exclusively the identity card, passport or residence permit to an alien. If Passenger cannot or does not wish to show his personal data, he is obliged to undergo necessary action connected with calling the police and establishing his identity.
- Operator is entitled to request from Passenger these personal data needed for recovery of carriage charge and penalty for travelling without a valid ticket: forename and surname, date of birth, address of permanent residence, number of identity card, passport or other identity card, in case of minor Passenger also personal data of his legal representative within given extent.
- If Passenger fails to show entitlement to carriage charge reduction or valid season ticket but he declares to be in possession of reduction card or season ticket and he proves this fact within fifteen working days at the place designated by Operator, penalty pursuant to art. 7 point 7.6. shall be reduced to 50%.
Art. 12 Carriage of baggage
- Passenger is entitled to carry a hand luggage and also a travel baggage if capacity and operational conditions allow to do so.
- Operator shall transport hand luggage along with Passenger who is entitled to carry in the vehicle maximum 1 piece of hand luggage, if not specified otherwise by tariff or driver. Whereas the hand luggage is transported along with Passenger for the whole time, Operator is not responsible for its loss, damage or theft, only if damage is caused by circumstances which originate in operation.
- Hand luggage means an object that can be easily, quickly and safely loaded and placed in vehicle, if it does not endanger safety and health of other Passengers and continuity of traffic and it has dimensions that allow storing in bus interior.
- Baby carriages can be transported only with driver's knowledge. In vehicle interior maximum one baby carriage can be transported, and only in the bus type that has capacity to do so. In other cases baby carriage is considered as travel baggage.
- Hand luggage is transported at designated place in a way not to threaten or limit driver or other Passengers.
- Charge payable for transport of hand luggage is specified in tariff. Operator is obliged to issue to Passenger document confirming payment for carriage of hand luggage, if it is charged.
- Travel baggage transported separately from Passenger means everything that is not a hand luggage and is not excluded from the transport. Separate carriage means carriage of baggage stored at a place designated by Operator outside vehicle's interior intended for carriage of Passengers or in the interior but in a place where Passenger does not have a possibility to control its baggage.
- Carriage of animals in long-distance domestic and international transport shall be excluded. Exception shall be carriage of dogs who accompany persons with disability who have a special authorisation.
- Operator is entitled to accept for transport a bicycle only as a travel baggage, if it is allowed by transport and operational conditions. In case the vehicle is not equipped with appropriate facility for storing bicycles during transport in vehicle's baggage compartment, Operator shall not bear responsibility for damage of bicycle.
- Driver of vehicle shall determine whether luggage will be transported as hand luggage or as a travel baggage, outside the space designated for Passengers. If driver determines baggage compartment as a place of transport, Passenger is obliged to inform him about the specific character of baggage, especially relative to its content and value, and if he requires to treat it in a certain way or to have it stored in a certain position. Passenger is not entitled to carry money, jewellery or other valuables worth more than 50 € (in words: fifty euro) in the travel baggage.
- Driver shall label each travel baggage with a luggage registration voucher. Only driver can store and take baggage from baggage compartment, if needed with assistance of Passenger. Passenger is obliged to show driver valid luggage registration voucher before taking baggage from baggage compartment. Driver is entitled to give baggage to Passenger only on the basis of presented valid luggage registration voucher. After delivering luggage, driver shall discard luggage registration voucher.
- Passenger is obliged to pay an import charge for carriage of travel baggage in the amount specified by tariff. Operator is obliged to issue to Passenger confirmation of payment of carriage charge that is in case of travel baggage the luggage registration voucher. In case the baggage is transported as travel baggage, separately from Passenger, in a baggage compartment, driver is obliged to label such baggage with a baggage number with no value. Passenger gets counterfoil with baggage number. Hand luggage is not labelled with baggage number.
- Where there is a suspicion that baggage does not meet conditions laid down by these transport regulations or tariff, driver of the vehicle is entitled to check the baggage content in the presence of Passenger. If Passenger refuses this check or if it is found out that the baggage is excluded from transport, Passenger is obliged to remove excluded objects from the bus. If Passenger will not obey instruction of driver to remove objects, driver ensures removal of the baggage. In such case driver can exclude Passenger from further transport without entitlement to refund of carriage charge and import charge.
- Operator shall be responsible for damage occurred to travel baggage transported separately from Passenger during period from its takeover to its delivering after termination of Passenger's carriage. If the damage was caused by Passenger, defective nature of luggage, its wrapping or packaging or circumstance that Operator was unable to prevent or because Passenger did not alert driver to the need of specific treatment of baggage. Operator is not responsible for damage. Operator is also not responsible for damage occurred to left baggage.
- When travel baggage transported separately from Passenger is lost or damaged, Operator is obliged to compensate value of the lost or damaged baggage that it had at time of takeover for carriage after paying basic import charge, in amount of maximum up to 300 € (in words: three hundred euro) for a piece of baggage. Moreover, he is obliged to bear import charge that Passenger paid for lost or damaged travel baggage. Passenger is obliged to calculate value of lost or damaged objects.
- Excluded from transport shall be:
a) Threat articles,
b) Baggage total weight of which exceeds 50 kg
- Articles excluded from transport by legislation,
- Weapons, except for firearms of members of armed forces and police officials,
- Articles that may threaten safety or continuity of traffic or damage or contaminate other Passengers or vehicle,
- Articles that could cause discomfort to Passengers due to their odour, deterring look or other reason.
12.17. In case of loss or damage of baggage the process shall be as follows:
- Passenger is obliged to inform driver immediately after detecting damage or loss of baggage at its takeover, a record shall be drawn up consequently.
- Injured Passenger shall report loss or damage of baggage in written form to Operator within 72 hours and he shall submit a luggage registration voucher and list of articles contained in lost baggage or list of damaged articles.
- Operator shall assess eligibility of such claim and its scope and shall give his opinion within a prescribed period.
Art. 13 Shipment by bus
13.1. Shipment by bus is excluded from long-distance domestic and international transport, unless Operator concludes a written contract on shipment by bus or worker empowered by Operator gives explicit instruction to do so.
Art. 14 Road accidents and other emergencies during transport
- Emergencies during transport include especially:
- Road accident of vehicle,
- Fire in vehicle,
- Injury or sudden illness that threatens life or health of Passenger, Operator's employee or other persons,
- Unexpected service disruption taking longer than 30 minutes.
- If Passenger finds out that safety, life and health of Passengers are endangered, he is obliged to draw attention of driver to such fact.
- When emergency occurs, driver is obliged to stop the vehicle and to take action in order not to endanger safety of transport on site of emergency.
- Driver is obliged to immediately report emergency to Operator pursuant to internal rules and to provide necessary assistance to Passengers, take care of their safety and, if applicable, ensure arrival of Emergency Medical Service and to stay on site until arrival of transport dispatcher or other authorised representative of Operator.
- If accident, injury, health damage or death of persons, damage to vehicle or vehicle's equipment or other property of Operator or Passengers shall occur during emergency, person concerned is obliged to provide to Operator all data necessary for proper investigation of emergency.
- Injured Passenger is obliged to immediately inform bus driver about occurrence and estimated value of damage and he shall communicate his data needed for investigation of occurrence of damage, including extent of the damage and identification data of Passenger.
- Operator shall ensure replacement transport to destination station by other vehicle free of a charge.
- Passengers who suffered injury due to specific nature of transport are entitled to compensation of damage occurred to health in accordance with provision 427 et seq. of the Civil Code and Act No 437/2004 Coll. concerning compensation for pain and suffering (hereinafter only as “Act No 437/2004”).
- In accordance with relevant applicable provisions of the Civil Code survivors of deceased Passengers whose death was caused by specific nature of transport operation have right to compensation in case of death, including compensation of reasonable funeral expenses.
- Passengers that suffered damage to transported hand luggage due to specific nature of transport have right to its compensation in accordance with provisions of paragraph 427 et seq. of the Civil Code.
- Amount of compensation for damage shall be calculated in accordance with applicable provisions of the Civil Code and Act No 437/2004 or within the meaning of Chapter III of Council regulation (EU) No 181/2011.
- In case of accident due to operation of the bus Operator shall ensure adequate and appropriate assistance in relation with immediate practical needs of Passengers after an accident. Such assistance includes accommodation, food, clothes, transport and facilitation of first aid, if applicable. Application of any aid is not considered as recognition of liability. Total accommodation costs for each Passenger are limited to 80 EURO per night and for a maximum of two nights.
Art. 15 Application of rights, claims
- Passenger shall exercise rights and entitlements resulting from these transport regulations without undue delay; if rights are not exercised at the latest within three months from the date of occurrence of claim, they expire. This shall not apply in case of entitlement for damage to health that Passenger can apply directly at court within limitation period according to relevant provisions of the Civil Code.
- Passenger is obliged to exercise his rights and entitlements in form of written complaint in accordance with Operator's complaint procedure where he shall precisely and clearly define which rights were affected and how, and amount of compensation he requires and he shall also adequately justify occurrence of this entitlement. Passenger is entitled to send claim to Operator by mail at address of establishment or personally in Operator's ticket offices or in his information centres. If the complaint regards vehicle driver's service during execution of transport, Passenger is entitled to submit a claim also directly to the driver concerned. If Passenger purchased ticket through intermediary, he is entitled to submit a claim also in place of establishment of intermediary from which he purchased the ticket.
- If Passenger submits a complaint orally, authorised employee of Operator shall draw up a report on claim submission and Passenger is obliged to firm it.
- If claim does not contain particulars specified in point 15.2., Operator shall call upon claimant to supplement it within the deadline of no less than 7 working days. If claiming Passenger completes his claim within the prescribed deadline, it is deemed to be submitted in a timely manner. If Passenger does not complete his claim within prescribed deadline and a submitted claim does not justify recognition of entitlements of claimant, Operator shall refuse the claim.
- Operator is obliged to inform claiming Passenger if the claim is justified, refused or is still handled at the latest within 1 month from receipt of claim. Operator must send communication on settlement of claim to the claiming Passenger at the latest within 3 months from receipt of complaint.
Art. 16 Final provisions
- These transport regulations are effective upon Passengers from the date of their publication on the Operator's website and from this date they are considered to be part of proposal to conclude a carriage contract.
16.2. Relevant provisions of Art. 9, Art. 10 and Art. 12 shall apply with effect in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 181/2011.
- All amendments to these transport regulations are effective from the date of their publication on Operator's website.
Košice, 1.12.2016 Ing. Ľubomír Gerši
Director General